Consulting Arborists & Qualified Biologists For All Your Project Needs

Our Consulting Arborists & Qualified Biologists have 35+ years experience providing the best reports and plans for all your project & personal needs.

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About Green Bird Horticultural

We work with commercial, municipal, and residential clients to provide the best in Arborist Reports, Inventories, and Tree Protection Plans for your construction and development project goals.

ISA Certified Arborists

TRAQ Certified

35+ Years Experience

Environmentally Conscious

Fully Insured

Green Bird Horticultural is insured with full-range liability insurance for up to $5,000,000, ISA certified and TRAQ certified. It’s important to note that hiring an ISA certified and insured arborist report service like Green Bird Horticultural is crucial for ensuring you are in compliance with municipal and commercial regulations.

ISA Certified Arborist Badge
TRAQ Badge
2023 WSIB Health and Safety Excellence Program Badge White
American society of consulting arborists Icon

Johl Anderson - Consulting Arborist (ISA, TRAQ)

Johl Anderson is the primary ISA Certified Arborist at Beautiful Trees, and also Green Bird Horticultural with over 37 years in the industry delivering tree care and consulting excellence to clients. Johl has always promoted education and mentorship in the industry and supported good  arboriculture practices.

Jen Llewellyn - Anderson - Horticulturalist - Biologist (M.Sc)

Jen Llewellyn-Anderson M.Sc is an ISA Certified Arborist and Horticulturalist at Beautiful Trees and Green Bird Horticultural, with over 23 years in the industry as the Provincial Nursery & Landscape Specialist, delivering consulting, diagnostics and education in Plant Health Care, Nutrition, Soils, Water Quality and much more.


More Below

What is TRAQ Qualified?

TRAQ Badge

TRAQ is identified as:

“The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) offers TRAQ as an instructor-led credential that demonstrates professional knowledge in tree risk assessment through participation in a training course and passing its accompanying exam. The TRAQ program offers tree care professionals the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the fundamentals of tree risk assessment by learning a standardized, systematic process for assessing tree risk and providing information to tree owners and risk managers for making informed decisions that will promote the safety of people and property and enhance tree benefits, health, and longevity.”


What is ISA Certified?

ISA Certified Arborist Badge

ISA Certification is identified as:

“ISA Certification is a voluntary program that tests and certifies your achievement of a professional level of knowledge and skill in the field of arboriculture. When you become an ISA Certified Arborist®, you are recognized by your peers and the public as a tree care professional who has attained a generally-accepted level of knowledge in areas such as tree biology, diagnosis, maintenance practices, safety, and other subject and practice areas within the tree care profession as identified through periodic job task analyses. Hiring a Certified Arborist provides tree owners and government decision makers the opportunity to become better informed about proper tree care and their selection of services based on the expertise represented by your credential.”


Can you help with a tree permit?

Yes, contact us today for help with your tree permit needs. We can advise what your local by-laws and regulations are and even provide any reports, protection plans, or inventories required. 

Once your permit is approved Beautiful Trees (a division of Green Bird Horticultural) can provide all the tree removal, pruning and care that you need.

Is Green Bird Horticultural Insured?

Yes, we are insured with full-range liability insurance for up to $5,000,000. 

Do You Do Tree
Care as Well?

Yes, our sister company Beautiful Trees does all kinds of tree care, tree planting, removal and more. Click here to see our page on Beautiful Trees tree services. You can also just contact us here for tree services and we will handle the splitting of work.

Podcasts from Beautiful Trees - A Division of Green Bird Horticultural